SQuirrel SQL Client

SQuirrel SQL Client 4.8.0 SQL client app for Windows

User Interface Screenshots

SQuirrel SQL Client Abstract:

SQuirreL SQL Client is a graphical Java program that will allow you to view the structure of a JDBC compliant database, issue SQL commands and browse the data in tables. It is a free and open source SQL client application that's comprehensive, reliable and modern.

Here are some screenshots to illustrate the features and user interface of this application:

Comes in for users who need to view the structure of a JDBC compliant database - Screenshot of SQuirrel SQL Client
Comes in for users who need to view the structure of a JDBC compliant database.
Screenshot of SQuirrel SQL Client - 1224px · 848px
Viewer for JDBC databases - Screenshot of SQuirrel SQL Client
Viewer for JDBC databases.
Screenshot of SQuirrel SQL Client - 1224px · 848px
JDBC Interface Management - Screenshot of SQuirrel SQL Client
JDBC Interface Management.
Screenshot of SQuirrel SQL Client - 1352px · 926px
SQuirrel SQL Client: SQL client - Screenshot of SQuirrel SQL Client
SQuirrel SQL Client: SQL client.
Screenshot of SQuirrel SQL Client - 1352px · 926px
SQuirrel SQL Client: Java - Screenshot of SQuirrel SQL Client
SQuirrel SQL Client: Java.
Screenshot of SQuirrel SQL Client - 1352px · 926px